Get VIP Access To Our Family Recovery Specialists!

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Expert coaching to help you keep your sanity while dealing with an addicted loved one.


Dealing with an addicted loved one means constantly making difficult decisions.  Wouldn't it be nice to have an expert family recovery specialist to help you navigate these sitations with stratagy and consistancy? 


We'll be here to help you find the balance between helping them while also maintaining healthy boundaries for yourself. 


You'll get access to:


1. Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls

Gain exclusive access to our experienced recovery coaches who will guide you through your journey. These interactive sessions are an opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, and receive personalized support. Our family recovery specialists are here to help you navigate the challenges and celebrate your successes.


2. Advanced Skills Training for Parents and Spouses

We understand that recovery is a unique journey for both parents and spouses. That's why we offer specialized training tailored to your specific needs. Learn advanced techniques, strategies, and coping mechanisms to support your loved ones on their path to recovery. Our comprehensive training modules will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a healthy and supportive environment.


3. Community Support

Surround yourself with a community of like-minded individuals who understand your struggles and can offer support and encouragement. Our members-only forum provides a safe space to connect, share stories, and find inspiration. Together, we can overcome challenges, celebrate milestones, and build lasting relationships.


But that's not all! As a member of the Family Recovery Academy, you'll also enjoy exclusive access to bonus resources, expert interviews, and ongoing updates to keep you informed and motivated.

Join our community today and take the first step towards a brighter future. Together, we can create a supportive and nurturing environment for ourselves and our loved ones.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Sign up now and unlock a world of possibilities!


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Expert Family Recovery Coaches


I got a lot out of the information I learned. My partner is now 110+ days sober, off all antidepressants, and tapering off his anti-anxiety medication. This group and Kim and Amber's guidance got me through a tough time, and I am grateful."

"This group has been invaluable. I confronted many of my enabling behaviors, and my motto became 'tag you're it'. And, I'm pleased to tell you my son got sober just over a year ago  (after two years of drug use that saw him get kicked out of school and basically live in his room).  His motivation was non-existent. A year later he has moved out, has a job, is paying his bills, and is looking into an apprenticeship.  It's wonderful to see his confidence, self-esteem, and joy returning. Words elude me to describe how thankful I am to you for all the work you do, it makes a huge difference. 

"I have gotten so much from this group. My son is not in denial anymore, and wants to recover on his own while continuing to work, but is realizing it's not going to be easy."

Frequently Asked Questions...

We're here to help you recover your loved one from addiction


Get access to our highly trained family recovery specialists.


Become a Member for only $29/month