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Email Amber

Need some expert advice about your situation? 

How it works:

  • Submit your question with background information
  • Get a Response directly from Amber within one business Day. 


What People Are Saying:

Amber's response was smart and kind. Thank you for providing this option. Sometimes you just need a good objective opinion.

Quick response from Amber with warmth and specific advice

Part of me wasn’t sure what I would get back when I emailed her but I am very impressed. I can tell she took time and thought to provide her expertise and it was so helpful. Plus she writes similarly to the way she talks in her videos so I knew it was her!

I got such a quick and thoughtful response and it was exactly what I needed in the situation. There aren't many resources out there and I was so happy to find something so quick and affordable. Thank you.

The email response I received today from Amber was very helpful. I posed specific scenarios and she quickly responded with specific approaches that I found helpful due to their relevance to my situation. Thank you!

When, as a parent, you aren’t sure what to do next…these quick hit emails are super helpful and full of wisdom amongst all of the noise out there. And to help be confident in the next step, whatever that may be.

Amber helps me rethink my perspective.. how to focus on the positive… how to set boundaries… she is incredible in connecting with her clients.. she is compassionate and cares about the addict and their family

Her perspective is so refreshing.. her ability to connect and see something positive is amazing.. my son is finally talking and I believe his healing has begun. I’m so grateful for Amber!

I have been watching Amber for some time now and I find her incredibly authentic and I value her knowledge. She is thoughtful and kind. I felt she was interested and cared about my concerns. She listened to my problems then gave me a solid direction to consider what options i have for my situation. I would and do highly recommend Amber and her team to anyone who is dealing with a loved one in addiction. Amber is credible and I agree she is undoubtedly a master in her field.

Amber has good ideas for me to apply.