Top 10 Best Addiction Recovery Books

addiction books Aug 30, 2020
There are so many great books on addiction. It's difficult to narrow down, but in this video, I'm going to uncover my top 10 books on addiction and recovery, and why you'll love them. Sneak Peek: (Idiot by Laura Clery, High Achiever by Tiffany Jenkins, House on Stilts by Paula Becker, Recovery by Russell Brand, This Naked Mind by Annie Grace, Diary of an Alcoholic House Wife by Brenda Wilhelmson, 
The Good House by Ann Leary, Chasing The Scream by Johann Hari, 
In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate)
This Naked Mind by Annie Grace
I love this book because it takes a completely different approach to the problem of alcoholism.  In fact, Annie Grace doesn't even refer to the problem as Alcoholism.  This book takes a hard look at the facts about Alcohol and how our society has embarrassed this poison.  By the time you finish this book, you won't feel the same way about Alcohol. 
House on Stilts
Paula Becker talks about her experience dealing with her oldest son's addiction. If you're the parent of someone struggling with a Substance Use Disorder, you're going to strongly identify with the journey of this mother. 
Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions
I love the way Russell Brand blends spirituality, philosophy, humor, and sometimes crude language in this book about 12 Step Recovery. In my experience, The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous is a bit hard to read.  Like reading Shakespeare in Highschool.  You know it's English but you can't really understand it.  If you're like me and the Big Book feels a bit arduous, then try Russel Brand's book Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions
If you've got a good sense of humor and you've got some experience with addiction and/or recovery you're going to love Laura Clery's book Idiot!  Follow along as Laura tells you the tragic yet hilarious journey into addiction as she chases her dreams of becoming an actress.  
High Achiever
In this book (High Achiever), Tiffany Jenkins talks about how she went from being a regular girl dating a police offer to an inmate in prison.  This book is a page-turner for sure!  I stayed up all night and binged this one.  
Memoirs of an Addicted Brain
Marc Lewis (now a neuro-scientist) does a beautiful job of blending science and story as he takes you along his personal journey into the depths of addiction. If you're a recovery nerd like me, you'll love this one!   
Chasing the Scream
Johann Hari gives us a total game changer with his book Chasing the Scream: the first and last days of the war on drugs.  Johann (a writer/reporter) looks at the issue of addiction from every angle (science, individual experience, politics, the law, and family).  After reading this book, I completely changed my thinking about how addiction should be addressed as a society. 
The next book on my list was referenced in Chasing The Scream.
It's a book called, In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate.
Gabor Mate is a physician and addiction researcher. He's responsible for some of the most revolutionary ideas in the field of addiction and recovery.
His theories about what causes addiction are completely different from what you've previously been taught.
This book is a beautiful combination of science and story. 
 Diary of an Alcoholic House Wife by Brenda Wilhelmson.
This book was recommended to me several years ago by one of my clients. I especially enjoyed this book because I think it does a great job of tearing down our stereotypes about alcoholism. The author, Brenda Wilhelmson, talks about her battle with alcoholism as a suburban housewife.
She does a marvelous job of sharing about the inner thoughts of alcoholics as it progresses (the hiding, the denial, and the shame).
The Good House by Ann Leary
If your the kind of person that loves a good novel, then The Good House by Ann Leary is the book for you.
This is a great read and does an excellent job of describing functional alcoholism. Getting inside the private thoughts of an alcoholic will help you understand the process of how people come out of denial and into recovery.
This is another one that I particularly enjoyed on Audible.
It's perfect for a road trip.
(*The above links are Amazon affiliate links, which means if you purchase something using one of the links, we may earn a small commission. However, it will not affect your price.)
Amber Hollingsworth

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