Overcoming Reluctance: Finding the Courage to Get Sober

Finding Motivation to Overcome Addiction: It's Not Always About Wanting to Change

You know how we often hear people say, "I decided to quit because I didn't want it anymore," or "I just decided to change." Well, let me tell you, that's not always how it goes down when it comes to overcoming addictive behaviors. As someone who has been on the front lines of this issue for a long time, I can confidently say that most individuals choose to change their addictive behavior not because they suddenly stop liking it but because they find themselves in a difficult situation. The consequences of not changing become greater than the consequences of changing. In this blog post, I'm going to delve into the nature of addiction and how you can motivate yourself to make a change, even when it feels like you're not ready.

Understanding Addiction:
Addiction is a complex beast. We're drawn to it because, at some point, it served a purpose in our lives. It offered something positive, even if temporarily. However, over time, the positive effects diminish while the negative consequences stack up. It's this shift that prompts individuals to consider making a change.

Step 1: You Don't Have to Want to Change to Make a Change:
First and foremost, it's essential to understand that you don't have to want to change to start the process genuinely. Most adults do things because they need to, not necessarily because they want to. The key to motivation is realizing that you can initiate change even when not particularly motivated. The feeling often comes after you've taken that first step.

Control Your Influences:
To motivate yourself to want to change, surround yourself with positive influences. For instance, if you want to get in shape, subscribe to health and fitness magazines or follow inspiring health and fitness YouTubers. Consuming such materials can make it nearly impossible not to feel motivated and energized. The key is controlling your influences.

Conversely, you must distance yourself from anything reinforcing your old thinking and behaviors. Whether it's people, places, things, books, music, or podcasts, try to separate yourself from influences that don't align with your desired change.

Build it Into Your Routine:
Make this motivational process a part of your daily routine, just like how you might listen to your favorite radio talk show on your daily commute. When it becomes automatic, it will help you stay on track when motivation is lacking.

Positive Influence:
The influences you surround yourself with should encourage you to become a better version of yourself, inspire growth, and foster creativity. You can also listen to stories of individuals who have conquered the same problem you're facing. Their experiences can be incredibly motivating.

The Cycle of Change:
Changing addictive behaviors might be challenging at first, but the longer you persist, the more motivated you will become. As you change, you'll start feeling better, thinking more clearly, and gaining confidence. This, in turn, fuels your motivation. It's like starting an exercise program; it's tough at first, but it becomes a habit you can't do without.

If you're in a place where you're ready to make a change, remember that you don't have to be 100% committed from the start. Most people who successfully make changes don't begin that way. The key is to be more motivated to change than to stay the same, especially on most days. By controlling your influences, building a routine, and positively surrounding yourself, you can motivate yourself to want to change. It's not about wanting to change; it's about taking the first step and letting motivation follow.

So, if you're ready to work on yourself and become a better person, consider using my free Integrity checklist, which you can find in the description or by clicking the link above. And for some extra motivation, check out my video, "Addiction is Just a Misdirected Superpower." It might ignite that spark within you to start your journey towards change.

Remember, it's okay not to want to change just yet, but you can start by wanting to want to change. That's often all you need to take that first step toward recovery and personal growth.

Amber Hollingsworth

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