Crazy? This Is Why Loving an Addict Feels Like You're Losing Your Mind

Loving an Addict: How It Impacts You and How to Take Back Control

Loving an addict or alcoholic can make you feel like you're losing your mind. While "crazy" may not be a clinical term, it's the only word that captures the emotional chaos so many of us experience in these situations. You lose yourself, your sense of stability, and sometimes, even your identity. If this resonates with you, know you're not alone—and you're in the right place.

I’m Amber Hollingsworth, a master addiction counselor with over 20 years of experience. On my YouTube channel, I aim to help families navigate the impact of addiction. We will unpack the emotional toll of loving someone with addiction, the mental rollercoaster you’re on, and—most importantly—how to start reclaiming your sanity.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

When you're closely connected to someone struggling with addiction, your emotional brain (your limbic system) syncs up with theirs. It's almost magnetic. Ever notice how being around anxious or angry people can make you feel the same way? Now imagine that amplified.

Addicts often live in a whirlwind of emotions—irritability, anxiety, anger, withdrawal, desperation. If you're around them often, their rollercoaster becomes yours. Over time, this emotional bombardment takes a toll, leaving you feeling completely out of control.

Obsessive Thoughts and Boundary Struggles

Loving an addict doesn’t just mess with your emotions—it hijacks your thoughts. Their addiction can take up an unhealthy amount of space in your mind. You become desperate to "fix" the problem or find some way to make it stop affecting your life.

On top of that, you may struggle with setting boundaries. If you hold firm, you might feel guilty or worry about being too harsh. If you let things slide, you feel resentful or like you're enabling their behavior. No matter what you do, it feels like a lose-lose situation.

The Downward Spiral

As time goes on, this constant state of tension starts to show. You may react in ways that don’t feel like "you." Some people shut down completely, building emotional walls to protect themselves. Others go into desperation mode—pleading, threatening, or overreacting to small triggers.

Society often makes it worse. Friends and family may judge you, pulling away instead of offering support. And to top it off, addicts often gaslight you, making you question your reality and feel like their behavior is somehow your fault.

Taking Back Control

So, what can you do when you’re stuck on this emotional rollercoaster? The key is to focus on regaining control of your emotions. Easier said than done, I know. But by calming your emotional brain, you can start making rational, strategic decisions for your life and your loved one.

This isn’t about quick fixes or simple solutions—there aren’t any. But you can take small, intentional steps toward getting your sanity back. If this sounds like you, check out my video playlist designed to help you reclaim control and find peace, even in the midst of chaos.

Loving someone with addiction is one of the hardest challenges you’ll ever face. But you don’t have to go through it alone. Join our community and learn how to stay five steps ahead of addiction—for your sake and your family’s.

For more insights, watch my recommended videos and start your journey back to sanity today.

Amber Hollinsworth

When Is "Moderation" More Than Moderation? Signs You Might Be Crossing The Line


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