How To Deal With The Lies Of Your Addict Significant Other

Dealing with Lies in Addiction: Understanding and Managing the Common Lies of Addiction
Hello, and welcome to *Put the Shovel Down*. In today's post, we're diving deep into a topic that is crucial for anyone dealing with addiction: lies. Specifically, we'll explore the seven most common types of lies that people with addictions tell. While there are other posts and videos on this channel about lying and manipulation, today, we're going a little deeper.

For those of you who are new here, I'm Amber Hollingsworth, a Master Addiction Counselor with over 20 years of experience helping people overcome addiction. I've seen firsthand how pervasive lying can be in the context of addiction. There's no foolproof way to get someone to tell the truth, and attempting to force honesty often backfires. Instead, I'll provide you with insights and tools to navigate these challenging situations effectively.

Understanding the Reasons Behind Lies in Addiction
Before we delve into the types of lies, it's...

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How To Make Someone Want To Get Sober

How to Make Someone Want to Get Sober: A Step-by-Step Guide

Some of you may be skeptical just reading the title: "How to Make Someone Want to Get Sober." Before diving into this post, you're likely thinking, "You can't make someone get sober. They have to want it for themselves." You're right, to a large degree. But there's more to the story. While you can't make someone get sober, you can influence them to want to pursue sobriety. Here's how.

The Influence Factor

First, let's address the elephant in the room: you can't force sobriety on anyone. The person struggling with addiction has to put in the work themselves. However, as someone close to them, you play a crucial role in influencing their journey towards sobriety.

Imagine trying to make someone want to spend more time with you. There are subtle ways you can influence their feelings and decisions. Similarly, there are strategies to encourage someone to consider sobriety.

Understanding Emotional Triggers

We all have emotional...

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Unexpected Ways Addiction Affects Relationships

Healing Relationships Affected by Addiction: A Dual Perspective

When you’re in a relationship with someone struggling with addiction, it’s easy to believe that if the addiction gets under control, everything will be okay. However, addiction impacts relationships in profound and unexpected ways, and repairing that damage is a complex process.

The Dual Impact of Addiction

Addiction doesn't just hurt the person using substances; it affects everyone close to them. To understand the full scope of its impact, we need to look at it from both perspectives: the person with the addiction and their loved ones.

The Loved One’s Perspective

For the loved one, the journey through a partner's addiction is often marked by a rollercoaster of emotions. There’s the initial hope that the situation will improve, followed by disappointment when it doesn’t, creating a cycle of trust and betrayal. Over time, this repeated cycle can lead to deep-seated resentment and a profound...

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What To Expect During Alcohol Detox: Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Understanding Alcohol Withdrawal: What You Need to Know Before Quitting Cold Turkey

If you think you have an alcohol problem and you're considering stopping, that's wonderful news. Taking this step is a huge move towards reclaiming your health and happiness. However, before you go cold turkey, it’s crucial to understand how the process works and the potential dangers involved. Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous, so please read through this entire post to ensure you're informed and prepared.

Why Alcohol Withdrawal Can Be Dangerous

There are ten main symptoms of alcohol withdrawal that can vary from mild to severe. Understanding these symptoms can help you gauge whether your withdrawal experience is mild or something more serious that requires medical attention.

For those of you who are new here, I'm Amber Hollingsworth, a master addiction counselor with over 20 years of experience helping people and families overcome addiction. This blog, along with my YouTube...

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Here's What Documentaries Don't Tell You About Addiction Intervention

Mastering the Art of Timing: Intervening with an Addicted Loved One

In the intricate dance of helping a loved one with addiction, timing is not just crucial—it's everything. Knowing when and how to approach the subject of addiction can mean the difference between resistance and receptivity, between frustration and progress. In this insightful guide, we'll delve into the delicate balance of timing interventions with addicted loved ones, helping you navigate this challenging terrain with confidence and effectiveness.

Understanding the Ebb and Flow

Addiction is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, marked by moments of seeming control and periods of chaos. It's during these natural fluctuations that individuals may engage in what Amber Hollingsworth terms "bargaining"—a desperate attempt to exert some semblance of control over their addictive behaviors. This phase often involves setting limits or rules around substance use, such as restricting consumption to certain days or...

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What Your Addict Significant Other Doesn't Tell You

Title: Understanding Your Alcoholic Spouse: Insights and Strategies for Support

Are you grappling with the complexities of living with an alcoholic spouse? Perhaps you've found yourself nodding along as you hear echoes of your own experiences in the words of others. The journey of being married to someone struggling with alcohol addiction can be fraught with challenges, confusion, and sometimes isolation. But you're not alone.

In a recent YouTube video, a seasoned addiction therapist shared insights gleaned from two decades of working with individuals battling addiction, particularly husbands struggling with alcoholism. Let's delve into some key takeaways and strategies for navigating this difficult terrain.

1. **Recognizing Patterns**: One striking revelation from the therapist's experience is the predictability of the narratives shared by husbands grappling with alcohol addiction. They often express feelings of being misunderstood, criticized, and neglected by their spouses. This...

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How To Win Over Your Addict Significant Other

Understanding and Overcoming Marriage with a Functional Alcoholic: A Strategic Guide
Living with a functional alcoholic spouse can feel like constantly playing second fiddle to their addiction. In this blog, Amber Hollingsworth, a seasoned addiction counselor with over two decades of experience, sheds light on why some individuals prioritize alcohol over their relationships and offers strategic advice on how to navigate this challenging situation.

- Functional Alcoholism Defined: Hollingsworth simplifies the concept of functional alcoholism as the ability to stop drinking but the persistent choice not to. This distinction is crucial in understanding the dynamics within such relationships.

- Alcohol as a Protective Shield: Functional alcoholics often perceive alcohol as a friend, a stress reliever, and a source of pleasure. It serves as a shield against life's challenges, offering temporary relief from their troubles.

- Perception of the Spouse: Over time, spouses of functional...

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Everything You Need To Know About Interventions

Navigating Addiction: A Comprehensive Guide to Intervention Strategies

Are you faced with the challenging task of helping a loved one overcome addiction? The journey towards recovery can be daunting, but with the right intervention strategy, you can pave the way for lasting change. In this ultimate guide, we'll explore various intervention options, weigh their pros and cons, discuss when to implement them, and delve into their effectiveness and costs.

Meet Amber Hollingsworth, a seasoned master addiction counselor with over two decades of experience. Her expertise lies not only in individual therapy but also in understanding the intricate dynamics of family systems impacted by addiction. As she shares her insights, you'll gain valuable knowledge to support your loved one on their path to recovery.

The Johnson Model Intervention

Picture the iconic intervention scenes from TV shows like A&E's "Intervention." This approach, known as the Johnson Model, involves a structured process...

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This Illusion Is Why It's Hard To Break Addictions' Hold

Understanding Short-Term Sobriety: What It Means and How to Navigate It

Are you witnessing your loved one embark on short bursts of sobriety, only to falter when it comes to committing long-term? This is a perplexing situation, leaving you questioning the reasons behind these cycles and how best to support them. In today's discussion, we'll delve into the various dynamics at play, helping you decipher these behaviors and offering insights on how to approach them effectively.

1. Setbacks in Long-Term Sobriety: Sometimes, individuals genuinely aspire for lasting sobriety but encounter setbacks along the way. Identifying triggers or unresolved issues is crucial in breaking this cycle and fostering sustained recovery.

2. Testing Self-Control: Others may engage in short-term sobriety as a self-validation exercise, attempting to prove they aren't bound by addiction. However, true addiction lies in the inability to control usage, not intermittent breaks consistently.

3. Exploring Sobriety...

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5 Signs Someone Has A Drinking PROBLEM

Recognizing the Warning Signs: Is Your Drinking Becoming a Problem?

Today, we're diving into a crucial topic that often lurks in the shadows of denial: alcohol consumption and its potential pitfalls. In this blog post, we're breaking down the insights shared by Amber Hollingsworth, a seasoned Master Addiction Counselor, from her enlightening YouTube video.

In her compelling video, Amber emphasizes the importance of recognizing the early signs of problematic drinking behavior. She brings over 20 years of experience to the table, aiming to empower individuals to intervene before alcohol takes control.

The Five Major Signs:
Let's dissect the five major warning signs Amber highlights:

1. Over-Drinking Patterns:
- Do you often surpass your intended limits?
- Alcohol disrupts the brain's control mechanisms, leading to overindulgence.

2. Recurring Regrets:
- Have you experienced regrettable actions under the influence?
- Frequent remorse signifies a deeper issue that demands attention.


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