How To Make Someone Want To Get Sober

How to Make Someone Want to Get Sober: A Step-by-Step Guide

Some of you may be skeptical just reading the title: "How to Make Someone Want to Get Sober." Before diving into this post, you're likely thinking, "You can't make someone get sober. They have to want it for themselves." You're right, to a large degree. But there's more to the story. While you can't make someone get sober, you can influence them to want to pursue sobriety. Here's how.

The Influence Factor

First, let's address the elephant in the room: you can't force sobriety on anyone. The person struggling with addiction has to put in the work themselves. However, as someone close to them, you play a crucial role in influencing their journey towards sobriety.

Imagine trying to make someone want to spend more time with you. There are subtle ways you can influence their feelings and decisions. Similarly, there are strategies to encourage someone to consider sobriety.

Understanding Emotional Triggers

We all have emotional triggers, especially from those closest to us. While we can't control our initial reactions, we can influence the emotional landscape of those around us. Acknowledging this is the first step in understanding how to motivate someone towards change.

Why Punishment Doesn’t Work

Contrary to popular belief, making life harder for someone struggling with addiction doesn't encourage sobriety. Addiction often serves as an escape from life's difficulties. Making reality harsher only pushes them further into their addiction.

Creating a Positive Environment

Instead of making life difficult, create a positive environment. Highlight the better aspects of a sober life. Show them that the grass is indeed greener on this side without resorting to negativity or anger.

The Role of Natural Consequences

You don't need to make addiction feel hard—it already is. Bad things happen naturally in the life of someone addicted. They already feel the unmanageability and guilt. Your role is to be there when they express a desire or ability to change.

Listening for Change Talk

Pay attention to "change talk"—statements indicating a desire, ability, reason, or need to change. These are the moments you can positively reinforce. For example, if they mention feeling bad about their drinking, acknowledge it without judgment.

Reinforcing Ability

When someone expresses a desire to change, support it by reinforcing their ability. Remind them of times they've overcome challenges. This boosts their confidence in their ability to achieve sobriety.

Practical Steps to Influence Change

1. Create a Safe, Trusting Environment: Ensure they feel safe expressing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

2. Reinforce Positive Statements: When they express a desire or ability to change, support it positively.

3. Avoid Negativity: Steer clear of negative reinforcements, punishments, or guilt trips. These often backfire.

4. Highlight Strengths: Remind them of their strengths and past successes.

5. Encourage Professional Help: Suggest talking to a counselor not to fix them, but to support them in their journey.

Motivating someone towards sobriety isn't about force or punishment. It's about creating a supportive environment that highlights the positives of a sober life and reinforces their ability to achieve it.

If you want to dive deeper into these strategies, subscribe to our channel for more insights and tips. Ready to take the next step? Check out our Invisible Intervention program for a comprehensive guide on encouraging sobriety without conflict.

Amber Hollingsworth

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