This Illusion Is Why It's Hard To Break Addictions' Hold

Understanding Short-Term Sobriety: What It Means and How to Navigate It

Are you witnessing your loved one embark on short bursts of sobriety, only to falter when it comes to committing long-term? This is a perplexing situation, leaving you questioning the reasons behind these cycles and how best to support them. In today's discussion, we'll delve into the various dynamics at play, helping you decipher these behaviors and offering insights on how to approach them effectively.

1. Setbacks in Long-Term Sobriety: Sometimes, individuals genuinely aspire for lasting sobriety but encounter setbacks along the way. Identifying triggers or unresolved issues is crucial in breaking this cycle and fostering sustained recovery.

2. Testing Self-Control: Others may engage in short-term sobriety as a self-validation exercise, attempting to prove they aren't bound by addiction. However, true addiction lies in the inability to control usage, not intermittent breaks consistently.

3. Exploring Sobriety...

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Restoring Intimacy After Addiction

With Amber Hollingsworth, this is The Untoxicated Podcast, where we talk about the relationship between sex and intimacy with addiction. Hear how addiction negatively affects even the strongest of relationships and how beating it helps love and connection grow stronger here today with Sheri and Matt Salis, a couple whose marriage survived active alcoholism, ultimately proving that your relationship can overcome addiction with the right approach.

Alcoholism and Intimacy Survey: Partner’s Perceptions of Problematic Alcohol Use and Intimacy

The Untoxicated Podcast of Sheri and Matt Salis:

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Is Your Spouse an Alcoholic or a Heavy Drinker?

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Is Your Spouse an Alcoholic or a Heavy Drinker?

Understanding the Spectrum: Heavy Drinker vs. Alcoholic

Today, we're diving deep into a topic that hits close to home for many: the fine line between being a heavy drinker and an alcoholic. It's a topic with misconceptions, stigma, and perhaps a touch of denial. So, let's clear the fog and shed some light on this crucial issue.

The Continuum of Alcohol Use

Alcoholism, or as it's clinically termed, alcohol use disorder, isn't a simple binary state. It's not a matter of being one or the other but rather where you fall on a spectrum. Picture it like a scale, ranging from non-problematic drinking to the depths of severe addiction.

  • Heavy Drinker: This stage often involves difficulty stopping once you start. Maybe you set limits for yourself but find yourself exceeding them time and again. Promises to control your behavior while drinking are repeatedly broken, leading to negative consequences.

  • Early Stage Alcoholism: Often mistaken for heavy drinking, this stage involves similar...

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The Harsh Reality Behind Being A Highly Functional Alcoholic

Facing Hard Truths: Understanding Functional Alcoholism

A lot of people use the term "functional alcoholic" to downplay the severity of a drinking problem. But let's be honest here: functional alcoholism is just a deceptive label masking the reality of someone battling alcohol use disorder. In this blog post, I'll delve into three hard truths about functional alcoholism and how to confront it head-on.

1. No Such Thing as "Functional Alcoholism": Despite the common usage of the term, there's no clinical diagnosis for "functional alcoholism." As an addiction counselor with over 20 years of experience, I can attest to this fact. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is diagnosed based on a set of 11 symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. It's crucial to understand that alcoholism isn't a fixed label but rather a spectrum reflecting the progression of the disorder.

2. The Illusion of Functionality: Many individuals mistakenly believe they're functional alcoholics because they maintain aspects of...

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Get Sober Without Going To 12 Step Meetings

Embracing Sobriety: Shifting Perspectives for Lasting Change

If you're looking to break free from addiction without relying on the usual 12-step programs, here's a fresh perspective: Let go of the "alcoholic" label.

Let's be real: if you're questioning your relationship with alcohol, it's probably causing chaos in your life. Instead of getting hung up on labels, let's ask ourselves a more important question: How does alcohol affect where I'm headed?

Consider this: Does alcohol fit with the person you want to be? Does it support your roles as a parent, partner, professional, or friend? If you're having doubts, it's probably time for a change.

Think of yourself like a plant. Instead of watering yourself with alcohol, which stunts your growth, it's time for a mindset shift.

Now, I get it. The 12-step approach isn't for everyone, and that's okay. Drawing from my 22 years of helping people find sobriety, I've seen many paths to success, all centered on personal growth.

In your journey,...

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Escape the Cycle of Drinking For Good

Breaking the Drinking Cycle: 3 Steps to Embrace Sobriety

Are you stuck in a cycle of drinking, struggling to break free? It's time to get real with yourself and embark on a journey towards sobriety. But where do you start? In this post, we'll explore three crucial steps to help you kickstart your journey and stay committed to living a sober life.

Step 1: Radical Honesty

Breaking the drinking cycle begins with honesty — not just with others, but with yourself. It's easy to convince yourself that you have everything under control or that a brief hiatus will solve the problem. But deep down, you know these are just excuses, masking the reality of your situation.

Acknowledging the truth means confronting the uncomfortable realities of your relationship with alcohol. It means recognizing that the idea of moderation is often a slippery slope back into old habits. The belief that "this time will be different" is the very thought that leads to relapse. So, take a hard look in the...

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The Subtle Signs of Alcohol Problem

10 Warning Signs of an Alcohol Problem You Might Be Overlooking

Are you worried that your relationship with alcohol might be becoming problematic? Often, the signs of alcohol misuse can be subtle, sneaking up on us without notice until they become glaringly obvious. But catching these signs early can make all the difference in getting back on track. Let's delve into some of the red flags that might indicate it's time to take a closer look at your drinking habits:

1. Loss of Interest in Non-Alcohol Related Activities
- Have you found yourself losing interest in hobbies or activities that don't involve alcohol? Making excuses to avoid social situations unless alcohol is involved could be a sign of dependency.

2. Planning Life Around Alcohol
- Do you find yourself constantly planning your days, vacations, or meals around alcohol consumption? This preoccupation can signal a deeper issue with alcohol dependency.

3. Sensitivity or Avoidance of the Topic
- Are you uncomfortable discussing...

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What Really Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

alcoholism Nov 07, 2023

What to Expect When You Quit Drinking: A Realistic Guide

We're diving into a topic that's close to my heart – quitting alcohol. If you've been contemplating giving up alcohol and are wondering what to expect, you're in the right place. It's a significant decision, and I want to give you a realistic perspective on this journey.

1. The Fear of Boredom:
One of the most common concerns people have when considering quitting alcohol is the fear that life will become boring and uneventful. After years of relying on alcohol to find joy and happiness, the prospect of living without it can be daunting. But here's the truth – quitting alcohol often leads to regaining the ability to experience genuine joy and pleasure. Alcohol may have been the very reason your life felt mundane in the first place.

2. The Fear of Missing Out:
Another common worry is the fear of missing out on social events and activities. While it's true that your interests and preferences might change, and you may...

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3 Subtle Signs Of Addiction You May Not See

Recognizing the Early Signs of Addiction: Sheila's Story

Introduction: Addiction is a silent and insidious force that can creep into anyone's life, often unnoticed until it's too late. Most people don't realize they're addicted until they reach a point where they desperately want to stop but can't. In this blog post, we will delve into the story of Sheila, a client whose journey through addiction illustrates the importance of recognizing warning signs early on. Sheila's experience serves as a powerful reminder that addiction can affect anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Sheila's Journey:

Sheila, as we'll call her, initially lived a relatively normal life. Like many people, she enjoyed a glass of wine in the evenings to unwind and relax, especially after her three young kids had gone to bed. This practice seemed harmless and even sophisticated, but it was the beginning of her descent into addiction.

The Unforeseen Challenges:

Sheila's life took an unexpected...

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Sick Of Fighting With Your Spouse About How Much Alcohol They're Drinking?

Is Alcohol Causing Issues in Your Marriage? How to Stop Obsessing About Your Spouse's Drinking

Alcohol can be a challenging issue in a marriage. Suppose you have frequent conversations that turn into arguments about your spouse's drinking, and you're constantly obsessing about how much they drink or whether they're drinking at all. In that case, it's natural to be concerned. However, healthier ways exist to address this problem and stop obsessing about your spouse's drinking.

When one person in a relationship develops an alcohol use disorder, it affects both partners and creates problems for everyone involved. The worry and preoccupation of suspecting your spouse have an alcohol problem can lead to behaviors like spying, checking, questioning, and even smell checking. Unfortunately, you often don't get the truth when you ask your spouse about their drinking.

This preoccupation with finding the truth becomes a vicious cycle. You become focused on proving a problem while your spouse...

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