Avoid These 3 Common Destructive Thoughts

4 Destructive Mindsets That Sabotage Your Addiction Recovery (And How to Overcome Them)

If you've been trying to overcome an addiction but keep falling back into it repeatedly, chances are you're grappling with one of these three destructive thinking patterns. In this post, we'll confront this head-on and even add a bonus mindset to ensure your success in beating addiction once and for all.

We help you stay five steps ahead of addiction through actionable steps. Our goal here is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to make a lasting recovery. 

Destructive Mindset #1: "Most People Don't Beat Addiction"

One of the most pervasive myths is that only a small percentage of people beat addiction. This mindset is reinforced by alarming statistics and negative narratives in rehab environments. However, thousands of people overcome addiction every day. Believing that most people fail sets you up for self-sabotage. The truth is, by taking proactive steps like watching...

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Addiction Relapse Prevention | Stay Sober This Holiday Season

Navigating Sobriety During the Holidays
If you're here, you or someone you care about is likely navigating the challenging terrain of sobriety, especially during the holiday season. I'm here to provide some insights and strategies to help you stay on track during this potentially tricky time.

The Holiday Challenge: Staying Sober Amidst the Festivities

Holidays, though joyous, can pose a significant challenge for those on the path to recovery. The festivities often involve disruptions to our regular schedules, increased social gatherings, and a general shift towards a 'vacation mode.' In a recent video on relapse prevention, I discussed the importance of keeping the gate closed to vulnerability, a crucial aspect of maintaining sobriety.

Identifying Triggers: Three Categories

1. **Vacation Mode and Substance Use Escalation:**
The most obvious trigger during the holidays is the widespread shift to vacation mode. People tend to indulge more in substances, making it a potential stumbling...

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