How to Talk to Your Loved One About Their Addiction

addicted loved one Apr 08, 2021

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People usually get defensive when confronted about their addiction, but you can use a few techniques to bypass their defensiveness.

I'm going to break this down into sections when it comes to talking to your loved one about their addiction, their denial, recovery, relapse, etc. What I'm going to share always needs to be top of mind when you're having a conversation about it so there's no conflict, arguments, or them putting a wall up and not speaking.

Contemplative Stage of Change 

If your loved one is saying things like "I wish I could get better" or "I'm tired of feeling stuck" Contemplators know that they have a problem and begin to think about how they're going to solve it.

Caution: You have to take the queue from them first. If you come at them with a lot of information too fast, you're going to lose them and your credibility, which will only slow down the process.  Your first goal is to help them see that's there's a problem. 

Active Stage of...

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Unlock Your Potential Using The Enneagram

The Enneagram is a personality typing system that will help better understand your key motivations, uncover your strengths, and identify your weaknesses.  Understanding this information will help you break free of unproductive patterns and gain control of your destiny.



The Essential Enneagram: The Definitive Personality Test and Self-Discovery Guide by HarperOne

This is a great starter book.  It will help you identify your Enneagram personality type and gain a basic understanding of how the Enneagram system works. 

Get this book on Amazon:



The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People by Elizabeth Wagele and Renee Baron

The first easy—and fun—guide to the Enneagram, the fascinating and revealing method of understanding personality types, for the beginner, the expert, and...

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Top 10 Best Addiction Recovery Books

addiction books Aug 30, 2020
There are so many great books on addiction. It's difficult to narrow down, but in this video, I'm going to uncover my top 10 books on addiction and recovery, and why you'll love them. Sneak Peek: (Idiot by Laura Clery, High Achiever by Tiffany Jenkins, House on Stilts by Paula Becker, Recovery by Russell Brand, This Naked Mind by Annie Grace, Diary of an Alcoholic House Wife by Brenda Wilhelmson, 
The Good House by Ann Leary, Chasing The Scream by Johann Hari, 
In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate)
This Naked Mind by Annie Grace
I love this book because it takes a completely different approach to the problem of alcoholism.  In fact, Annie Grace doesn't even refer to the problem as Alcoholism.  This book takes a hard look at the facts about Alcohol and how our society has embarrassed this poison.  By the time you finish this book, you won't feel the same way about Alcohol. 
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